29 November 2008

stupid device called a phone


i feel so aimless, i've got no motivation in life.

i don't understand.is it really that difficult to reply an sms?
like for example, i asked a simple question like "do u wanna play soccer?"
is it so fucking difficult to just give me a 2 or 3 word reply like yes or no?
if u all can reply your girlfriend like a fucking composition long sms every 5 freaking mins, can't u just reply me a 2 or 3 letter word reply?
IT'S JUST 2 OR 3 FREAKING LETTERS! how fucking hard can it be?
okay let's calculate..take my phone for example.
first u need to press 2 keys to unlock the phone.
1 key to read the message.
1 key to press reply.
and if it's no, 2. yes, 3.
1 more key to send.
and 2 keys to lock the phone.
so it's a total of about 9 or 10 keys.
how much energy does it take u to press 9 or 10 fucking keys???
if u don't wanna reply, just tell me once and for all.
like "when u play soccer don't bother to ask me."
then i won't even bother to sms u.
wouldn't that save all the fucking trouble? and it would definitely save me my sms too.

to all those that replied me, thank u very much.i seriously appreciate it.at least it shows that for SOME PEOPLE, they can at least reply more than a simple yes or no.

i'm experiencing the worst days/weeks of my life.
i've never felt so fucked up before.
i know i'm screwed up.
i wish that didn't happen or at least i didn't know about it.
then maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad.
i realised that it feels so much worse when a close friend does something that hurts u as compared to getting dumped by a girl and all that other shit.
i only pretended that i wasn't really affected by what u said but the truth is, it hurts like hell.

recorded at 3:57 PM

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16 November 2008

tagged by khaliskhan


ive been tagged by khaliskhan to do this.
despite the fact that i already have 10 random facts in my blogskin, she tagged me aniwae.

here it goes.

1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2) People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly
3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names
4) No tag back.

1) soccer is my life.
2) i finally get to drive to school on a weekday this wednesday and thursday.
3) i think my mum stole me when i was young. (those who played the random qns and song game should understand.hahaha)
4) i'm an emo kid and i sing when i'm emo to make myself feel better. (so if u notice that i'm singing out loud alot, i'm emo..)
5) i drool in my sleep SOMETIMES.
6) i find it damn difficult to think of random facts about myself.
7) i've been single my whole damn life.hahaha
8) i'm a social smoker, but i used to be a hardcore smoker.
9) if guns and killing is legal in singapore, i would have killed many people by now.
10) i feel damn uncomfortable when GUYS touch me. (i hope u understand and please don't touch me anymore.hahaha)

The 10 people ;
1) denan a.k.a. bangla
2) din a.k.a. chinadoll
3) farhan a.k.a. mice
4) huishan a.k.a chickenor
5) charmaine
6) jolene
7) reeve a.k.a ah mah
8) miswan a.k.a. mashmellow
9) tohlin a.k.a. machiato
10) clare

do it if u're bored and if u feel like doing.i'm not gonna tag u to do..i'm lazy.hahaha

recorded at 11:02 PM

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11 November 2008



i feel so dead..

u seriously got no freaking idea, do u?
are u really that oblivious to what's happening?
maybe i'm just too worthless to bother about.
damn, this sucks.

Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

recorded at 9:42 PM

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10 November 2008

false hopes


i got absolutely no fucking mood to do that, but i still had to.

why do they always give u false hopes one day and take it all away the next? i know all of u must have thought i was happy for the past few days.in fact i was, but i guess i'm not anymore.i nvr ever stay happy for long anyways.u guys should know that.hahaha.it's just the way it is.


i guess i should just stick to playing soccer.one life, one dream.

i'm running away, i'm leaving this place.
if i had the chance, i would definitely leave this fucking hell hole.
yeahyeah, i'm emo.whatever.

on a brighter note, something weird happened to me this afternoon.was with shafiee and anand at the bus stop smoking area cos they were smoking, then din came along.while we were talking, there was this girl who walked from the bus stop towards business school.like suddenly got a white light appear behind her and i just couldn't take my eyes off her.even when she was staring back at me.then i started to feel hot and my face went red.hahaha.that was seriously WTF! even when i look at girls i never ever stare for so long and i definitely won't feel hot and my face won't turn red.she was seriously, i dunno how to explain.WOAH! hahaha.ohh damn, can't stop thinking about her..

check out this song.it's broken by lifehouse.and check out running away by midnight hour too.

recorded at 11:56 PM

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08 November 2008

huishan made me do this


huishan made me do this and i'm bored anyways..so yeah.

1 . The person who tag you?
: Yeo Huishan a.k.a. chickenor

2 . Your relationship with her
: good friends i guess

3 . Your 5 impression of her
: seriously blur, definitely cute (and no, it doesn't refer to u being short), quiet but can be noisy when she wants to, emo at times and she got attitude problem.HAHAH

4 . The most memorable thing he/she has done for you
: bought me a present during her china ITP, i seriously didn't expect that

5 . The most memorable thing he/she has said to you
: :)

6 . If she becomes your lover, you will?
: that'd be cool.hahaha

7 . If she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?
: stop being so fierce =x hahah

8 . If she becomes your enemy, you will?
: do nothing cos she won't be

9 . What do you want to tell her now?
: don't emo ah...

10 . Your overall impression of her?
: she's nice(:

11 . How do you think people around you will feel about you?
: when they just get to know me, it might seem like i don't really give a damn.but it's not as it seems.hahah

12 . The qualities you love of yourself are?
: i do what i think is right and not what others think?

13 . On the contrary, the qualities you dislike about yourself are?
: definitely my temper, being stubborn in the wrong situation sometimes

14 . The most ideal person you want to be is?
: myself

15 . For people who care for you and like you, say something to them.
: thanks for everything and i'll be there for u too.hahah

16 . Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you?
(All I want is to play around with the ten names.)
1. Denan
2. Din
3. Jolene
4. Khalis
5. Karen
6. Charmaine
7. Miswan
8. Fatin
9. Farhan

it's just 10 random names, u don't have to do the quiz if u don't want to.i'm lazy to ask u all to do.hahaha

17 . Who is No.6 having relationship with?
: no one?

18 . Is no. 9 a girl or boy?
: a guy

19 . If No. 7 and No.10 are together, will it be a good thing :D?
: okay, that's just lame.tohlin already has eugene.

20 . What is no.2 studying about?
: Engineering

21 . When was the last time you chat with No.3?
: can't rmb, too long ago it seems..

22 . What kind of music No. 8 likes?
: R&B and rock mostly, what else?

23 . Does no 1 has siblings?
: yeah, a sister

24 . Will you woo no. 3?
: i tried..hahah

25 . How about 7?
: WTF?!

26 . What is the surname of no 5?
: Koh

27 . What is the hobby of no 10?
: calling eugene puppy

28 . Does no 5 & 9 get along well?
: i think they don't know each other well

29 . Where is No 2 studying at?
: SP

30 . A fact about no. 1?
: he's one hell of a hairy fella.hahaha

31 . Have you try developing feelings for no 8?
: nope..

32 . Where does No. 9 lived at?
: tampines

33 . What colour does no. 4 like?
: he likes pink.he's fucking gay..

34 . Are no 1 & 5 Best friends?
: nope

35 . Does no 1 have pets?
: yup. a dog called buttercup and fishes.

36 . Is no 7 the sexiest person in the world?
: not the sexiest person in the world but definitely special in his own ways.hahah

37 . What is No 10 doing now?
: she's not online, so most probably out with eugene.

damn, this is seriously random.do it only if u're bored.

recorded at 6:02 PM

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