21 August 2008
bad day, green day
today is one of the worst days ever.had mech3 and OM exam today.OM was fucking lame.moving on to mech3, i think i'm gonna fail the paper which is 70%.along with mark, shafiee, denan and anand most probably.maybe many more.maybe we all have to repeat 1 more semester..wow, thats gotta be fucking fun man..wtf is wrong with mech3? it's fucking difficult man...how many students u want to make repeat your freaking module??? and fuck OM man...waste of my life taking that fucked up module..and what's with so many ppl wearing green today? green day ah?
seriously, what's the use of caring so much for someone when u know u won't get anything in return? and the best thing of all, she doesn't even appreciate anything u do for her.i finally told her...of all days i decided to tell her today.how stupid.it's not as if it isn't a bad enough day.
and she said, "it's not that i dont wanna go out with u and all.it's just that i'm not interested in a relationship for now." right..all just an excuse.it's always the same old reason huh.and u're always busy..are u really that busy all the time? did all those times we had together mean nothing to u at all? and all those times i saw u, i believe that it's not just coincidence.even the kaya in my fridge expires on your birthday..EVEN THE KAYA IN MY FRIDGE EXPIRES ON YOUR BIRTHDAY.how do u explain that? are we really not meant to be? what's all this about man? remember that note u gave me during itp? and u asked me to keep it and show it to u in 10 years time? it's still with me man..and i'm gonna keep it.
fall for you, secondhand serenade
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may of failed
But I have loved you from the start
But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
it's like u just stabbed me and i'm bleeding to death.i <3 u,weiying
recorded at 10:12 PM
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15 August 2008
what are the chances?
something interesting to update about..
there's something that has been happening and it makes me wonder..not just a few times, but ALOT of times.and it only happens when it's HER, not anyone else.ONLY HER.i don't really know how to explain it though, but i'll try.
when i'm in sch, there's quite a few times when she suddenly comes into my mind or i think of her and i'll somehow see her later.and sometimes when im just about to msg her to ask abt smth, i see her.or sometimes i just got this feeling that i'm going to see her on that day itself and it turns out i really see her.something like that i guess..
and the thing about today is that i planned to only go to sch at 3 for the test.but i woke up early to study and finished early.being too bored at home, i decided to go to sch early.and i msg-ed her before leaving home.upon reaching sch, i went to look for denan and went for a smoke.then after that we headed to the test venue at lt17.i was just about to msg her again, asking if she came to sch and just at that moment, i saw her.
what are the chances of that happening??
can it be affinity, fate or smth of that sort? although i don't believe in it, sometimes it really feels like..
alright..exams are coming.4 papers to go.looks like almost everyone is in the studying mood.but some of us are still slacking away.just have to study for 2 more weeks and the holidays are here.come on, we can do it.
recorded at 9:03 PM
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08 August 2008
denan's birthday celebration pictures
its a boring friday today.calling out to anyone who wants to go out on weekends and wants me to drive out..this will be the last weekend to do it.because after this weekend is over, the next weekend is where all the action begins.ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE!!! if the EPL is on, i will most probably not want to go out at night unless there's no match playing that night or if the matches are finished.hahaha.soccer freak, u would say...but its true.i'll use every chance i get to do smth that revolves around soccer.like watching, playing, etc.. but it's kinda screwed up in a way that the EPL starts 2 days before the exam week.
okay, here's the fun part.it's been a long time since i did this, but it's time for a picture story..hahaha.for the previous picture story, the pictures were taken from our east coast park outing.can't rmb which entry it is though..
(pictures taken during denan's birthday celebration)


these are the props used for the event, the rest are in the bag.and a special "birthday cake" for denan as well.
(from left: amron, oliver, farhan, keith, anand, marwin, din, lezlie)

the surprise! (look at that cheeky grin)
btw, the "cake" spells D.E.A.N.

caught in the act 1 (a hungry steven)

amron and maureen
(INTRODUCING AMRON, THE WHORE! the cam whore i mean.u should realise that he is in most of the photos.hahaha)

look at the happy faces at the sight of alcohol.bloody alcoholics.hahaha
btw, denan brought a bottle of Absolute Peach and Jack Daniels for the party.
(if u noticed, it's amron AGAIN.)

story-telling time

amron displaying the presents one by one.
denan was asked to pick numbers from 1 to 5 and after he pick a number, amron would take out some lame trash (that we BORROWED from club), like flour, ribena, the mcdonalds glass, jam, tissue paper and HIS BANGLA SLIPPERS!
soon after, all his presents were revealed. 1 present from din and the rest shared by amron, lezlie, farhan, keith and me (including the bag and some interesting stuff. ^^)

only some of us will know what this picture is.hahaha.here's a hint, DSC_0029.

the anxious wait
we were waiting for denan to do his thing.it was like waiting for your gf or wife to give birth.hahaha.sorry ppl, i can't say what happened.we all made a pact.
(from left: anand, din, marwin, darren, mark)

caught in the act 2 (a hungry keith)

the party got boring for a few people.
anand decided to play the PSP.

while others started to turn emo.
(from left: desiree, huixian, tohlin, miswan)

amron, the hungry whore

OMG! IT'S AMRON AGAIN!!! and shermaine.
(go away lah, amron. let lezlie take photo with her.u should be the one taking the photo.hahaha)

and here we go again.AMRON!!! with keith and his gf.

and again and again.amron...posing with feroz.
(hopefully that will be the last of amron.hahah)

INTRODUCING ZAID, THE BITCH! not the bitch. it's THE BITCH!!! hahaha
(pretending to be afraid of lezlie or emo.smth of that sort.)

for the first time ever, we get to see a WHITE denan! A WHITE DENAN!!! can u believe your eyes???
btw, we had alil trouble catching him to turn him white.

and he finally gave up the struggle.denan looks like a cut and paste figure.
(from left: oliver, lezlie, amron, farhan, denan, keith)

ohh, that's not the last of amron.here's one more.amron trying to shake denan's hand.

i don't know who this is.maybe some random stranger that came to the wrong party.but i guess she's abt to leave.GOODBYE!
special thanks to lezlie for being the cameraman of the day.
recorded at 6:37 PM
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07 August 2008
all these fucking people and their fucking attitude problem
all these fucking people and their fucking attitude problem.
some of my fucking classmates dont only have fucking attitude problem, they are also fucking selfish..take this asshole for example..he wont even lend me his experiment 4 because he says the answer is in the freakin green APP book.but i can't seem to find the fucking answers thats why i want to borrow your answers...duh..so just fucking lend it to me.it's not like i want to fucking copy your answers.i just wanna fucking see, damnit.
and then there's this friend of mine who's attitude is getting worse..i mean seriously, u cannot take jokes??? why so serious? nxt time at least think before speaking..the things u say sometimes can really hurt people.i mean wth...doesnt mean i treat u nice and dont attitude u at all, u can climb all over me and act like u're the freakin boss..look, the only reason why i dont scold u back is because i respect my friends and i dont wanna be rude.cos if i start scolding u, u will wish that i didnt start.i didnt treat u nice so that i can be treated like shit in return.u wanna make a comparison of all the things i did for u and what u did for me??? if i rmb correctly, u didnt do shit for me..it was always me, me, me..everything.and what did u ever do for me in return? speak to me with that fucking attitude of yours? i dont need this shit man...where the fuck are your freakin manners? why the fuck am i always being so nice to u? u cant even do a simple thing like talking with no fucking attitude problem..watch that little mouth of yours.
and then there's the girl i like who seems like she's too busy to make time for me..damn.that's kinda sad huh..
OHH WELL, on a lighter note..i finally finished my fucking APP reports! only left with one stupid question from expt 4.i can't finish this because some selfish asshole wont lend me his answer.in fact, i finished all of my reports including the aircraft system ones.finally got rid of all the reports..1 more step left though.PRINT.the fucking printer at home wont fucking print.the ink seriously runs out damn fast.i wonder why..maybe someone drinks my printer ink.fucking sick bastard..
oh ya...i had a big shock just now.the stupid melody box couldnt work.there was no freakin melody coming out of the freakin box.then i realised the stupid switch wiring broke.kanina...i thought i was finally done with it but looks like i'm not.
FUCK! and it's only 2 more weeks to exams..out of 4 papers, 3 are memory-based.okay, die...
apart from reports and sch, my life has been as usual.one memorable event would be denan's birthday bbq celebration on 1st august.it was quite successful.will upload the pic another day..it's too late now and i'm lazy.denan, i hope u enjoyed it..take care bro.
recorded at 12:43 AM
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