25 March 2008
there's another Astons
today is by far the most boring day at work.the NUS hostel foodcourt was like a ghost town.how can there be students in the hostel when it's lesson time? which idiot would wanna hold a bazaar there during the day? there were a total of only abt 7 to 8 transactions the whole day.how pathetic..but it wasn't so bad.had time to try out a new game.the sims castaway.it's way cooler than the normal sims.reminds me so much of survivor.
but there was one thing good abt the NUS hostel foodcourt.they have an Astons.awesome! heard of the restaurant Astons, located somewhere along Katong? it's like one of the best restaurants that serves western cuisine.i had the best fries i've ever had in my entire life today..the taste of the crispy fries with loads of chilli and spice powder is just overwhelming.and the pricing is cheap.it's like normal school foodcourt pricing.it's so worth the money man..only $5.70 for a meal of chicken or fish with 2 side dishes to choose from.amazing, i didn't know they had an Astons in NUS.that's an interesting discovery..
well, other than that..today was an ordinary day, just like any other.but there's this pesky guy that keeps turning up at our booths to look for my colleague.he's just plain irritating and the look on his face screams "HIT ME, PLEASE!" that's one pesky customer and he thinks he's so attractive and all, acting all friendly with us like he know us for a lifetime.this kinda thick skinned bastards shouldn't even exist.hahaha."HIT ME PLEASE!" and his name is dennis.what a loser..
alright, time to slack.bye..
recorded at 8:48 PM
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23 March 2008
it's the weekends again
had an enjoyable good friday.went to east coast cage for soccer.didn't know where was the place at first, but i know now.it's along east coast park.like the kallang cage, but a little different.saw friends whom i haven't seen for quite a while like daryl, yongen, kenneth, deng zheng, brandon, etc..soccer was more violent than usual..it felt like i went through world war 3.hahaha.got elbowed in the face, i don't know if it was a kick or a step, but my ankle is swollen now.only found out when i got home, with the adrenaline pumping while playing, the pain just disappears.slided all over and got burnt by the turf.fell down while trying to tackle the opponent.he tripped and fell onto me.got zham at pointblank in the chest while making a last ditch tackle.but overall it was worth it.been a long time since i played, so it was definitely enjoyable.been a long time since i scored and i did a hat-trick that day..that's a gd achievement.hahah.
saturdays as usual, rotting at home and feeling too lazy to go out.relying on the car too much, just don't feel like going out when i can't use the car.so all i do is stay home and rot.that's bad..maybe my brother will go to pasir ris park for soccer today.then i will go with him and hopefully score more goals.f1 malaysia is on in 4 hours, let's hope it's an exciting race and more crashes.hahaha.2 big epl matches coming up at night. man u vs liverpool at 9 25 and arsenal vs chelsea at 11 55.who are u rooting for? woah, sounds like an exciting sunday, doesn't it.
i died today.well, on NY-Mafia that is..started playing again on the 1st of march, reached rank 25 on the 22nd of march.almost 1 rank a day.most probably the fastest ranker ever.hahaha.thanks to denan for the beers, proteinshakes, heist and OCs.some fella killed me in my sleep.i had more than a billion in total man...now i'm left with 150 million in my new account.all my money's gone.DAMNIT! and my bullets too.all 140k of them, gone..ohh well, just got resurrected and playing all over again.i'm gonna get my revenge.
f.y.i. if this game sounds interesting to u, check out ny-mafia.com.it's an online text-based mafia game.in fact, it's quite addictive.and it makes u feel like a real mafia.from petty thefts and GTAs to bank robberies and killing other mafias.earn huge amounts of money that u can never imagine, although it isn't real, u still get to enjoy the money.in the game at least..buying bullets and such to become more powerful.take over a family and run it like a real Don.choose to be a cold-blooded killer or a low-profile player.it's all in your hands.NY-Mafia..kill or be killed.
hahaha.like advertisement only..damn, i'm really bored.denan woke me up early in the morning to tell me that i died.i couldn't go back to sleep after that.decided to resurrect myself and get my revenge..alright, back to ny-mafia..
at opposite ends of a railway track.give me your hand and hold me, i'll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds.i know you're hurting and i wish i could take that pain all away.cos when i see you cry, it makes me wanna die..
recorded at 9:58 AM
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19 March 2008
fucked up
i still have to do that, even though i'm not in the mood..because every post has to start with that.
it's been quite a while since there was an emo post..this is an emo one.read at your own risk.
i guess it's just a case of thinking too much.all of that just happened to be a coincidence.nothing more, nothing less.i should have known all along..
fuck man..i seriously hate my life sometimes.i wonder when will it really get better..what's the fucking use of having loads of stuff that money can buy when u can't even get something as simple as that, when u can't even enjoy the simple pleasures in life?
its a bad omen.i've been either meeting or hearing about fucked up assholes like that..first, there was this fucking flooder..just fucking go to hell.then there was this "ride on the grass" fucker, just die or something already.now there's this fucked up bloody fucker who scolds his gf when she goes to meet him to give him a surprise..i can't believe such assholes exist.u don't deserve a girl like her..life just isn't fair, it never is.fuck man..
i don't even know why u still wanna be with him when he treats u like a fucking piece of crapp.u deserve so much better, so much more..and i wish there was something i could do.but sadly, all i can do is stand by and watch..
recorded at 12:03 AM
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16 March 2008
fight! fight! fight!
i have an interesting story to tell today.
it began like almost every normal sunday and soccer at pasir ris park in the afternoon to evening.my bro and i were cycling back home when we met this fucked up asshole,just beside MJC.i was cycling in front so i politely said excuse me to this man who was with his wife and daughter and i cycled past.then i realised my bro had stopped and was arguing with that man.he was insisting that the pavement was for pedestrains only and we were supposed to cycle on the grass.SERIOUSLY WTF?! since when was the pavement only for pedestrains and cyclist are supposed to be on the grass?! and he asked us to confirm that with the police..i mean seriously, the police would just laugh their ass off at his joke.but i was so pissed that he scolded my bro so i wasn't laughing at that point of time.but thinking back, it sure was funny.
up till today, i didn't realised that such assholes existed here.so we continued arguing and i got really pissed, so i started using F words on him.was talking to him nicely at the beginning but u need to deal with such assholes with F words.so he said, "nono, u don't have to use the F word on me." i was like, "fuck off man.let's go, don't waste time on this fucker." and he kept insisted we were supposed to cycle on the grass and kept standing in our way.and he said, "use your brain and blahblahblah." then i replied, "ohh, u mean u have a fucking brain?" i was so fucking pissed, i was gonna start a fight with him already.luckily for him, my bro stopped me.and luckily for him, that he tried to find fault with nice people like my bro.if not for him, i would have whacked that son of a bitch.fucking unlucky man..gotta meet this kinda guy, totally spoilt my day.ohh well, there are assholes all over..i pity his wife and daughter.they got an asshole for a husband and a dad.how sad..
if i ever see him again, that motherfucker is going down.it was almost the time to use my favourite phrase on myself, "fight! fight! fight!" joke of the day man..imagine if i'm fighting with him in the middle of the pavement.then while fighting, i will be like, "fight! fight! fight!" hahaha.seriously, if anyone of u know about the law that says cyclist should be on the grass, please let me know.
i guess i lost my cool too easily.after soccer already so tired, still have to deal with such an asshole.it's so frustrating..what to do, i'm a violent angry emo kid.it's been a long time since i got this angry.can't remember the last time though.hahah.i was so pissed, i was still shouting at him after we were cycling away..even the pedestrains ahead were so afraid they immediately moved aside.and the people at the bus stop were staring..like watch movie only! hahaha.
what a bad day..
and i realised my grandmother is quite a selfish person.i'm so disappointed..but ohh well, she's still my grandmother after all.
and there's this MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE that keeps flooding my tagboard.WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! AND WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!
tomorrow will be a better day..i hope.
recorded at 8:05 PM
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11 March 2008
east coast trip pictures
east coast trip

the trip begins

happy people

like act cool only

group photo (look at denan's hand)

happy people

couple in action

look at that crazy boy..

coupleS in action


some ass showing

emo after seeing SMAC and the asses

denan even tried to kill himself

i just stood there and couldn't be bothered to stop him
recorded at 9:29 PM
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10 March 2008
it's been a long time
hey yo wassup.it's been abt a week or so since i last updated.weekdays have been routine.wake up early for work..have a boring day at work..then either head home or meet the usual ppl.stayover last weekend to help with FO stuff or was it the week before..but overall we didn't do much.slacked around most of the time.someone return me 50 bucks that day.just in time because i ran out of cash.thanks..
7th march was an awesome day..i guess by now most of you should have known.i finally got my licence, on the 3rd try.congrats to kenneth yeo and kenneth lui who got their licence earlier than me and on their first try.i failed twice because i was too good of a driver and the testers didn't want me to be too full of myself.hahaha.nah...just kidding.
just a lil advice for those that haven't pass.keep your cool.that's all you need to pass that test.i gotta clock 30 hours of driving with either my dad, mum or brothers in the car before i can finally drive on my own.so i gotta grab every chance i get to drive them around or when we're going out together.something like a family probation period.hahaha.i can't wait for the 30 hours to be over.i'm addicted to driving now, because it's quite enjoyable.sorry guys, wait a lil longer please..it'll be soon.
east coast park on saturday for cycling with denan, amron and 2 couples.eugene and toh, reeve and clare.will upload the pics another day..did abit of catching up on the phone with a good friend i haven't talked to or seen in quite a long time..you sound different.i guess you sound so much happier..i'm glad(: stay happy, yeah?
my smoking buddies are all starting to quit smoking.it started with darren a long time ago..he quit just when i started.then there was mark..quit for quite a long time and started again recently.next was eugene, he quit because he got together with tohlin.zaid also quit soon after, but he stops and starts now and again, so i don't really know if he's still smoking or not.then kenneth, was determined to quit for the sake of his valentine's day girl..but started again recently for i dunno what reason.denan next..he finally quit after smoking for 8 months because of a special someone.last but not least, shafiee and asyiq..this fellas will nvr quit.so forget it.hahaha.i guess it should be my turn soon..
the people around me are mostly attached or going to be..shafiee and asyiq already have long-lasting relationships.eugene and toh have been together for a few months now..the 3 of us used to hang out together quite alot.but they dont really have the time anymore..although they still hang out with the gang quite abit.reeve and clare are together now..they didn't tell us straight away but we found out soon enough.hahah.jolene sounds so much happier than she was last time, he must be treating you well huh.i guess that's a good thing.kenneth had a special valentine's day this year.goodluck to him for the future.i hope things get better for you.terry doesn't talk much abt it but i think there's a girl called rachael.denan found someone he's really comfortable with recently.doesn't really tell me much abt her but i guess he's happy and having a different perspective of life now.gdluck dude, i'm happy for you.some secrets might have already been revealed here.hahaha.a friend whom i met during itp, weiying, is also attached.both my brothers already got girlfriends and even my closest cousin.so many secondary school friends have already found someone as well.don't know how desiree is doing.she was dating some biker dude or smth.haven't seen or talked to her since that day.i guess i can't hate you forever.that must have been really childish huh..hahhh.so much happening around me, it sure makes me wonder..if it will ever be my turn.hahaha
wow, what a long post...gdnight ppl
recorded at 1:24 AM
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