30 January 2008
fof is over!
fof is over! the worst module ever.i'm just glad it's over.should be able to pass somehow.hahah.gdluck to me for that.and materials 2 is all that's left.can't wait for exams to be over man..
gotta prepare lots of money to spend on friday.hahah.get a hair cut, buy new clothes and shoes..wanted to let my emo hair grow longer but mum says i gotta get a hair cut cause it's new year.damn...its okay.short or long hair doesn't really matter as long as it looks okay.
finally got denan's hard drive from miswan today.have been waiting for it for a very long time.heroes and prisonbreak episodes inside.and a whole lot of other stuff.there is so much more "other stuff" inside as compared to shows, songs etc..hahah.the collection just keeps getting more and more.just watched finish heroes season 2 episode 3, 4 and 5.gonna watch the rest soon.so today's post will be real short.
desiree's phone is repaired.hopefully i'll get the pictures soon.till then...its time to watch heroes..
14th feb might be special afterall(:
recorded at 9:47 PM
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28 January 2008
i got a screwed up ITP company
another boring day at home.exam periods are just so boring.can't wait for exams to be over.had to study FOF again today.did the calculations part.the calculations are actually easier than i expected.but i still can't memorise any theories from the 6 chapters.hahah.my brain is failing me..19 years old.old already..
after waiting for so long,i finally got my ITP company.karadora pte ltd.WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! i chose RSAF and this is what i get?! it's some lameass company that has totally nothing to do with my course and it's smth i'm not even interested it.they sell computer stuff like thumbdrives and such..i'm so not interested in selling computer products.i'm so fucking pissed..damn you, SP.SP = SUCK-MY-COCK POLYTECHNIC.not only is the company fucked up, even the pay is fucked up.its 440 bucks per month.most ppl for example denan, gets 500 bucks per month.thats like a total of 120 bucks difference over the 2 months.i could buy half a PSP with that money.okay maybe a lil lesser than half.screw it man..the only thing left to hope for is that there will be hot girls working there.i wish....
it's okay, since chinese new year is coming..it's time to collect some cash.yeah....i've decided to use the money to get a PSP slim.and the remaining money can go to the "pay for my driving" fund or the "top up my atm card" fund.it's gonna be my third time taking the driving test on the 7th of march.can't afford to fail it again..i would have had about 3 to 4 months of driving experience by now if i passed on the first try.hahaha.
here are some random pics i took on my trip to Hainan Island.the sights are definitely beautiful.especially the beaches.(to eugene and denan especially, not bitches and not nude beaches) anyways, the weather was too cold for girls to be running around butt-naked on the beach.it was 10 degrees man...i'm not a good story-teller like denan, so i'll just describe the pics and not tell a story about it.

this is one of my favourite.it's actually the remains of the firecrackers after the gunpowdered sections were blown into oblivion.and no,it's not rose petals.hahah

i just love the view.this was taken on the roof of the motel i stayed in.i also sent this to desiree by mms.i hope she liked it(:
many more to come, so stay tuned..
one more thing.HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DESIREE(:
oh ya,for the separate birthday present..i actually wanted to buy a RX8 model car, spray it red, build it then give it to you.but it's the exams period now so i guess i ain't got time to do that.maybe next time..
recorded at 7:03 PM
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27 January 2008
like nothing better to do only
this is what we do when we're bored.now guess who's the real denan? hahaha

*click to enlarge
recorded at 10:51 PM
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didn't blog yesterday because nothing much happened.everything was FOF FOF FOF FOF FOF FOF.fuckers of flight.there's just a shit load of shit to remember for FOF.just like aircraft structures and repairs but its like so much worse...its calculations + theories.its too much to memorise man.i hope i get at least a C for that.just 2 more papers and thats it.come on,i can do it.hahah.so more FOF today..and i gave up after reading through, not studying..chapters 4 to 6, followed by 1 to 3.not even 2 hours of studying in total.hahah.damn,im just a bum.can't study any longer than that..speaking of bums, im sure missing that bum right now.lol
went to play soccer at Pasir Ris Park Carpark C area.its been a long time before last week that i played soccer.maybe abt 3 to 4 months.last week was terrible.i couldnt run much after a while and i was struggling.but this week felt so much better.i could tahan running for longer distance and for a longer time.which means that i can still SMOKE.as long as i keep training my stamina at the same time.i can still SMOKE and have gd stamina.okay...new goal in life.train!!! hahah.i can start by playing soccer every sunday.and stop working part-time.its getting boring.anyways, ITP gonna start soon so gotta stop working on sundays.
exam periods are just so boring.there isn't even much to blog abt.this post sounds boring...
oh ya.congratulations to the happy couple, EUGENE AND TOHLIN (pink-haired naked doll look-a-like bum and martian bum a.k.a. yellowpages).it was their first month together 2 days ago.on the 25th of jan.and many more months to come.years in fact.they got together on the 25th of dec.CHRISTMAS! awww, so sweet.hahaha.i think i should find a girl whose birthday is on the 13th of jan as well.and ask her to be my girlfriend on the 13th of jan.then we can celebrate everything together.wouldn't it be nice? hahaha.damn...amron is right.smokers are creative and imaginative people.i so agree with him on that.
wanna wish 2 people happy birthday today.one is my all time buddy, terry.it's his birthday today,27th of jan.happy birthday terry(: the second one is a friend of mine, desiree.her birthday is tomorrow.28th of jan.happy birthday in advance desiree(: i hope i'm the first to wish you.hahah.its abt 4 more hours to your birthday.was thinking of getting a separate present from the rest for you but i guess it doesn't matter.
things to look forward to:
-after exams it's party time!
-chalet with MMEC ppl (thanks to tohlin who booked the sentosa chalet)
-ITP.thats not smth to look forward to.AND I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN MY ITP COMPANY!
-denan's birthday celebration on 3rd of august.but it's still long.he said he might be thinking of organising a cool party, with strippers, cigarettes and not to forget long john silver crumbs.we'll see how it goes huh.
and many more..
i guess thats all for now.i still haven't gotten the pics from desiree.so there's nth to blog abt for my birthday many days ago.i guess i should ask her soon.hahah.
thats all for today ppl.
there's just so much i wanna tell u.but i guess it will only make it worse..
recorded at 8:03 PM
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25 January 2008
so lost without you
fuck it.still haven't gotten my attachment yet.almost everyone else has already gotten theirs.
first up, aircraft structures and repairs.it wasn't as bad as i expected.at least i knew how to answer quite a few questions.the rest looked familiar but i couldn't seem to remember what the answer was.ohh well.i think i just might be able to do well.maybe 60+, 70.hahah.
finished the paper at abt 10+ and had to wait till 3pm for soccer with amron and his friends.so denan and me slacked in club until amron came abt 11+.more SWATGODS crapp talking sessions.all thanks to amron, the 3 of us are going around saying, "SUCK MY COCK AH!" or "SUCK MY COCK FIRST THEN I TELL YOU!" to each other whenever we ask or say smth. hahaha.the lame shit that the SWATGODS do.but it doesnt matter though,cause we'll still laugh anyways.amron and denan are 2 funny dudes..
okay, soccer time.at abt 3+ we started to play street soccer.and guess what? there were only 5 of us altogether.and the rest nvr came.its been a long time since i played soccer and i was waiting eagerly.but it turned out that there weren't enough ppl to even play a game.ohh well, next time i guess..
woah, where did all those hot girls come from? hahah.the amount of good-looking girls in pasir ris is increasing.went to white sands for a while cause denan wanted to get the earphones cushion thing.and there were interesting things to see.. ^^
i dunno why but i just can't get you off my mind.everytime when im feeling okay, all it takes is one thought of you..
but you seem so much happier when i'm not around..i don't know why you're doing this to me.but i wish i could know why, i wish you would tell me why.if u didn't like me in the first place why didn't you mind being so close to me? and now it's like i don't even exist anymore.it actually hurts so badly but you just don't seem to notice.i would do anything to go back to how it was.anything at all.your mind is a freaking maze and mine is a freaking mess.i'm so lost without you.i don't even know what i'm doing anymore.the things you do to me.the things i'd do for you.i might seem happy and all but the truth just sucks..
if staying away from you would take away the pain, i wouldn't mind doing it all over again.
recorded at 8:21 PM
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24 January 2008
it's taking a toll on me
it's amazing that i'm still alive.it has been 11 days..
feels like forever since i last saw you, seems like forever since i last heard you.
i'm hallucinating..
i'm thinking of the lamest shit possible and laughing at it..
i'm laughing at almost everything anyone or I myself say..
i'm becoming crazily high..
i don't know if it's because of talking to (: girl or am i just becoming crazy?
i think it's a case of missing you too much.
it was boring at home today.slacking away half the time,but definitely had to study.12 chapters of aircraft structures and repairs.started from chapter 1 and by the time i was at 12, i forgot what i TRIED to memorise at the beginning.maybe i really gave up studying after Os.my mind doesn't seem to allow me to memorise much nowadays.maybe got blood clot in my brain.hahaha

got bored of studying halfway and i decided to watch john tucker must die.found the dvd on my brother's desk.quite a funny show and had a good laugh.definitely worth watching.
this is brittany snow.she plays kate in the movie.i think she's cute.hahah

i guess that's all for today.gotta go back to studying soon.i have a feeling i won't remember what i studied earlier.wish me luck and pray for me real hard..hahah
congrats to my cousin xinyi for getting an L1R5 of 8 for O levels.he's a guy btw.haha
i wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side.forever and ever..
recorded at 7:49 PM
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23 January 2008
another day of slacking
okay, studying today was not productive.only read through ACC notes.was talking crapp and all with denan and amron for most of the time.had a good laugh though.and denan has definitely caught the "asyiq" disease.he keeps farting all over the place.we were smoking, studying and slacking at the CompassPoint Starbucks and the wind was blowing in my direction.then denan said, "i just farted." at first got no smell, and suddenly....seh already.i remember that time denan and me were smoking at suntec there.then we were sitting on this metal barrier.suddenly the barrier like vibrate sia.i thought what happen.then denan say, "i just farted." fuck sia.i wont be surprised if the "asyiq" disease gets worse.denan might even be letting his dick free just like asyiq.then later kenna zham by the tennis ball only.1 shot 1 kill sia.
was kinda shocked to find out that kids these days as young as in primary sch or secondary sch have already started smoking.i saw this kid while at Starbucks, he looked seriously nerdy and like those goodboy type of kid.and he was smoking.i think his age range from 10 to 14 only sia.today, i realised that kids these days are already exposed to so much.and the amount of hot girls wearing hot clothes are increasing like hell!!! one day seriously can't control my god any longer.hahaha.there's even a range of "kenna langgah" list that denan, jianyao and me came up with.damn, i need to know more hot girls please.lol.and sengkang is really a place for "homeless" people.look at the huge amount of kids hanging around there.all those poser ahbengs and such..
oh ya, abt the mrt station incident.on monday at 11 30, met with denan at pasir ris mrt station.we were supposed to go to City Hall to meet the bitch, hentai bum, yellowpages and the pink-haired naked doll look-a-like bum at 12.hahaha.pink-haired naked doll.so as most of you already know, the train service from pasir ris to tanah merah was disrupted.so we went to ask the station guy. he said that we could take the shuttle bus to tampines and then took a train from there to tanahmerah and change train to City Hall.so we thought, "okay, free shuttle.notbad." so we happily took the shuttle and alighted at tampines.then walked to the mrt station.just when we stepped into the station.the next mrt station guy of the day said, "sorry, no train service." like fuck lah, the pasir ris station guy said can take train from tampines.so okay fine, we had to walk back to the bus stop to take the shuttle which detoured to simei and FINALLY reached tanahmerah.so finally, we took the train to City Hall.and it was packed like @%$@#%^@&$%! and in total, we took about a fucking hour and a half just to get to City Hall.damn pasir ris mrt station guy.tricked us.if i see him at pasir ris mrt station confirm whack until shiok only.like clare say before, become like some beast like that.hahaha(: yeah, so thats the mrt station incident.
i guess thats all i gotta say for now.will blog abt my birthday when i get the pictures from desiree.thats if she's gonna send me any.haha.doesnt everyone deserve a chance? i wish you would give me one too.
recorded at 6:52 PM
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i still can't believe this shit.
damn, my eyes are still bleeding since yesterday, after i saw that someuglyguy pic. somebody save me!!! hahaha. thats like one of the sickest thing i've seen so far.besides asyiq's "stuff" flying everywhere.
what's happening to this world? even guys like that can get hot girls like her.DAMN..now i know why the good-looking, nice guys are either gay or married.TO GUYS.hahaha
and yeah,i still can't believe this shit.
gonna go CompassPoint to meet the SWAT GODS. its time to study. i thought i already gave that up after Os...
time to go.
recorded at 10:41 AM
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the first
finally, a blog..
suddenly decided to make a blog.with the help of denan and fatin, i managed to settle the skins and stuff.honestly, html stuff to me are like, i got no idea what.hahah.
had maths 3 paper today.knew how to do more than i expected and amazingly i managed to do the damn damping question.and denan and zaid were like, "nerd! nerd! nerd!".i only studied as much as you guys.sorry, i just happen to be smarter(: hahaha.1 down, 3 to go!
okay, let's forget abt the exams.
was looking at a friend's blog today.and i saw something that made me feel really disappointed.i used to like this girl, not really sure of my feelings for her now.but that's beside the point..hahh.and yeah, so i was at her blog.okay, so she has a new boyfriend now.i shan't say the name.if not it will be too obvious.hahah.i've never seen her new boyfriend before UNTIL just a few hours ago.and honestly, i was really disappointed.i can't believe i could lose to a guy like that.and UNTIL NOW, i still can't believe this shit.ohh well, shit happens..
i know if i say this it will be kinda bastard, but still, i'm gonna say it.fuck care already ah! i'm set to "dont care anymore" mode remember? okay, so here goes. to be honest, i don't even know what you see in him.maybe its because i don't know you well enough.but still..he's just *.ugly.and like u can get better guys than that? i refuse to believe that u chose him because he was rich or some sort.even i look better? hahaha.whatever oliver!! OH YA. 1 more bastard thing i did that i should mention.i saved the picture.guess what was the name? someuglyguy.woah! nice one lah! hahahah
there's more bastard things to say. but i guess i'll stop here.sorry dear readers, due to the many fucked up stuff that happened to me recently.i'm just not as nice as i used to be.why be so nice when everything u do goes unappreciated? just a thought...
i guess thats all for the 1st post of my 1st blog! i'll blog about the stupid train incident another time.seriously quite pissed off with that pasir ris mrt station guy.next time i see him confirm whack until shiok only.hahaha.remind me to blog abt it(:
its still too early to sleep though.but bye anyways.
recorded at 12:03 AM
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